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Let’s Get to Know the newest MCJA Board Member – Melissa Harrison
Significant Other: James (been with him for 9 years)
Kids: Fur Baby Kitten named Kricket
Grow up: I grew up in Schoolcraft and cheered all through high school there.
Coaching: I volunteered coached for several years and spent one year as a coach in Allegan and a year at Portage Northern as the freshman sideline coach. I then coached JV in Schoolcraft with my sister Stephanie White for one year and spent 3 years as varsity coach. During that time, we won a conference championship and was District Coach of the year in 2011.
Officiating: I have officiated for 6 years now and got started because I missed cheer so much!
Job: I am an Operations Supervisor for R1 RCM Inc. It is a hospital revenue management company. I started as a patient financial advocate on the phone and then was recently promoted at the beginning of June. I now supervise a team of advocates and work directly with facilities in regards to their patient balances.
Hobbies/Interest: I am a huge Michigan State fan and love college football and basketball. I spend most of my weekends in the summer on the river with James. We love to paddle and canoe. I also love to volunteer and have recently volunteer through work with Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes and the Salvation Army. I am also a huge advocate for the American Cancer Society and The Lymphoma/Leukemia Association because I am a 9 year survivor of Hodkins Lymphoma. I also love to spend time with my niece Charlotte and my family. 4th of July is my favorite holiday.
Miscellaneous Stuff: My love for cheerleading runs deep because it has allowed me to spend time with my sister. It is a love that we share and have shared for many years.
Thank you Melissa for sharing yourself with us – we are so proud of you!